These 12 Signs Of Cancer Mostly Ignored by Women

 These 12 Signs Of Cancer Mostly Ignored by Women

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7. Can’t Swallow:

It is natural to have trouble swallowing at times. However, if it’s occurring often, and nausea and weight loss are also current, you might have stomach or throat cancer.

If these symptoms have not subsided after a few weeks, go speak to a physician so he/she can properly examine you.

8. Unexpected Weight Loss:

A good deal of girls wish that they could magically eliminate weight. But if this weight disappears without any extra exercise or a change in your diet, something might be wrong. Typically, sudden weight reduction is caused by stress.

But there are times it is caused by colon or pancreatic cancer. If you observe you have not made any changes to your diet or exercise regimen but are losing weight, check out a medical clinic to rule out the prospect of cancer or some other illnesses.