Jacob Galea Making Moves in LA

 Jacob Galea Making Moves in LA

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Recently one of the world’s best Transformational Coaches and Mentors, Jacob Galea, was interviewed by the popular show Good Morning LALA Land where he shared some of his hacks, beliefs, experiences, and secrets. Galea is able to work with business owners, celebrities, influencers, entrepreneurs, and even everyday people who are looking to level up their life or business. Galea has over 20 years of experience in studying the mind and subconscious while helping thousands of people along the way.

In his recent interview with Good Morning LALA Land, the hosts asked him how he was able to find his own best version of himself. Galea answered that he was fighting for the Australian Karate team and he was taught very early in life about the power of intuition. When Galea was 19 years old he found a mentor that challenged the way he felt, the way he thought, and the way he holds himself. That is when Galea was able to tap into his own super version of himself by figuring out who he really was, what he liked to do, why he does certain things and so on.

After that, the hosts were interested in how someone else can tap into their own minds and find the best versions of themselves. Galea told them about how nobody ever teaches people growing up about their mind and how it works. So, the best thing they can do is study the mind and even the subconscious mind. Once you are able to tap into that then you will discover so much about yourself and the things around you. Galea also explains that meditation is a big key factor in finding your true self because “If you don’t go within you go without” which means it is better to go within yourself and your thoughts to find yourself. 

When Galea started his journey he went against everything he was taught which was to go into a trade and get a job so he would have a good steady job forever. He knew that he wanted more in life and that he would never reach his true potential just by working in some factory day and night. You have to be true to yourself and chase what you believe in. Galea then went on to study the mind and subconsciousness to be able to help others get to that next level mentally in order to level up their lives. Galea believes that people need to “Upgrade their software” just like they upgrade their phones or computers.

When asked about what is the number one problem that most of his clients face, Galea answered that fear is the number one problem people face. Fear will hold you back, make you miss opportunities, and you will never be able to grow if you don’t step outside of your comfort zone. Galea explains that you have to really believe in yourself to be able to unlock your true self. With social media’s popularity, people always compare themselves to others which makes them feel bad about themselves and they lose self-confidence. People need to realize that they are unique and they have to be comfortable with who they are.

Jacob Galea has helped thousands of people excel in business and in life with his knowledge and many years of experience. Galea is currently on a USA tour where he will be meeting with celebrities, influencers, and CEO’s so that he can give them the advice they need in order to level up big time. Feel free to contact Jacob Galea for any help or advice if you are feeling stuck in life or even in your business, Galea has the answer to any question you throw at him. Jacob has been featured in over 54 media outlets globally and his book “Birth of the Super You” is selling all over the world to inspire people to live the Super Life they deserve and it can be bought on his website.