These 12 Signs Of Cancer Mostly Ignored by Women

 These 12 Signs Of Cancer Mostly Ignored by Women

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5. Blood In the Urine Or Stool:

In most cases, blood in the urine or stool is caused by hemorrhoids. But it can also be a indication of colon cancer.

If you’re bleeding from a place that does not usually bleed, consult your doctor. Particularly if this bleeding lasts for more than two days.

6. Lymph Nodes Changing:

Lymph nodes help our immune systems function, also act as filters for both cancer cells and other foreign particles. Cancer at the lymph nodes may be life threatening. In most cases, the lymph nodes alter when they become infected.

The ailments are usually harmless and also the body fights them off. But in some instances, such as leukemia and lymphoma, in addition they cause the lymph nodes to swell. If the swelling is present for at least a month, talk to your physician.